Paragon's Team provides comprehensive Support across all Seaport e Zones. We bring to the US Navy personnel, management and technical approach, designed to support all US Navy requirements. The following is a summary of our capabilities in each of the Seaport e areas.
SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) enables electronic procurement of Engineering, Technical and Programmatic support services by NAVSEA's Warfare Center community. This Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract enables the Paragon Team to compete for task orders totaling $10 billion over 15 years, if all options are exercised. SeaPort-e extends the current procurement vehicle, SeaPort, by leveraging SeaPort's successful business model and efficiencies. SeaPort-e will help naval activities reduce costs and promote business efficiencies in the effort to lead the Navy on a successful course. SeaPort-e furthers the Navy's Seapower 21 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions. All NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVSUP, MSC, NAVFAC, SSP, ONR, and USMC contracting officers can order from the SeaPort-e contract.
Contact Information
If you are interested in using this vehicle to fulfill your requirements, please contact:
Bruce Card
President, CEO
R&D Support
The Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. Paragon supports the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Division under the Regional Technologies Initiative (RTI) Preparedness & Response Program acquired Paragon's services to help with several projects including the interconnectivity Emergency Operations Centers (iEOC). DHS S&T requested that Paragon develop an deploy and integrated set of application prototypes, analyze, investigate, and architect a reusable Data model and Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD), and ensure compliancy with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and conformance with the agency's data standard National Information Exchange Model (NIEM). As part of this project, Paragon was tasked to leverage Federal, State, Local, and Tribal user community support to prepare and demonstrate a pilot/prototype system in Seattle, Cincinnati, and Los Angles.
Engineering Support
Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. We have provided senior government design oversight for the development, engineering, and integration of a new emergent warfare area (Force Protection) into the DD(X) ORD, standup of a design agent engineering team, and research of applicable technologies. After September 11, points of contact were identified in team member Paragon Team's Homeland Security Task Force for chemical/biological information, and access was provided to the secure Center for Counterterrorism and Technology Analysis website. At NSWC Crane and Paragon Team managers developed a joint proposal to add swimmer detection to NSWC Crane's IROS3 XE "Integrated Remote Optical Siting and Surveillance System (IROS3"). Ten years of DARPA, JPL, and ARL research in Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) has been made available to support NSWC Crane's nanotechnology applications in anti-tamper devices, smart fuses, safety and arming devices, micro power sources (batteries), RF devices, and failure detection systems. Paragon Team supported redesign, prototype, and test of a state-of-the art controller for the GAU-2B/A 7.62 mm minigun because of parts obsolescence and high repair costs. We fielded a Mobile C2 system, starting with design, build, and testing to support the USMC First Marine Expeditionary Force (1MEF) as the tactical command and control center. We used in-house rapid prototyping capability for several of the subsystems. Paragon Team member under N00178-04-D-4119-NS07, supported PEO C4I & Space by providing Systems engineering, Acquisition Management, Integrated Logistics, Development Test and Evaluation, and Installation and Training Support to include hardware and software product improvement for the Littoral Battlespace Sensing, Fusion and Integration initiative.
Paragon Team provides support to the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office (JSFPO). Since 1996, team member DRC has supported the JSFPO by providing independent assessments of the JSF logistics requirements using various models to ensure accurate and essential information is available to support selection decisions and weapon system design configurations. We evaluated the supportability characteristics of the Weapon System configurations and performed Reliability and Maintainability studies to include assessments of the effects on sortie generation, logistics footprint, manpower personnel and training life cycle costs. We have been intimately involved in the development of the autonomic logistics modeling concept. Specific work includes assistance in evaluation and development of acquisition and sustainment strategies, analytical support for government validation and verification of the autonomic logistics system, technical support for JSF models enhancement, business process improvement initiatives and recommendations for performance-based program metrics that capture operational and supportability requirements. We perform modeling and simulation analysis of the Weapon System Contractor (WSC) proprietary databases and provide independent assessments of the WSC models in support of JSF requirements. These efforts focus on assessing the WSC's predicted SGRs to determine validity. Studies included assessments of sortie generation, mission reliability, logistics footprint, manpower personnel and training, life cycle costs, and operational/support cost effectiveness of the JSF. We Provided Engineering Support Services to the Air Combat Test and Evaluation Facility (ACETEF) Warfare Simulation Branch. In support of Dam Neck and Fleet Forces Command N7 tasks we perform Battle Group C4I/Combat Systems modeling and simulation (M&S) architecture for fleet training. We participate in the Virtual At-Sea Training (VAST) evaluation and the Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic Scoring System (IMPASS) evaluation. We design, prototype, fabricate, test, integrate and install replacement Peripheral Emulation Systems (PES) to replace legacy systems that are out of production or require intensive manpower or maintenance. For the Department of Homeland Security, Paragon is building models for rapid incident response in a homeland defense scenario. In Zone 4 DRC-developed object-oriented simulation model tool for managing the aircraft maintenance process at the Naval Depot (NADEP), Jacksonville, Florida. SMASS is used to assess rapidly changing requirements and to quantitatively improve operations by providing an animated picture of aircraft moving through depot operations allowing a broad range of scenarios to be simulated and analyzed, such as a detailed simulation of aircraft flow through the Navy Depot's Strip, Prime, and Paint shops. In Zone 5 the Paragon Team redesigned, prototyped, and tested of a state-of-the art controller for the GAU-2B/A 7.62 mm minigun because of parts obsolescence and high repair costs. In Zone 6 the Paragon Team supports the MK 41 VLS launcher to include all aspects technical documentation support, modeling and simulation for selected missile canister components and other in-service engineering functions. In Zone 7 the Paragon Team supported the Navy's need for a common UUV Mission Model Architecture. Together with engineers from other groups, NUWC Newport and NUWC Keyport, a plan was developed to specify and develop the architectural building blocks necessary to make the Mission Model Architecture a reality.
The Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. (4119-N408) Zone 7: Paragon Team together with engineers from other groups, NUWC Newport and NUWC Keyport, developed a plan to specify and develop the architectural building blocks necessary to make the Mission Model Architecture a reality. Paragon Team developed a common UUV Mission Model Architecture. In addition, Paragon is conducting rapid prototyping in support of the Science and technology division at DHS. Response models are developed, deployed and evaluated. New features are identified by the users for additions to future spirals. The Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Division under the Regional Technologies Initiative (RTI) Preparedness & Response Program acquired Paragon's services to help with several projects including the interconnectivity Emergency Operations Centers (iEOC). DHS S&T requested that Paragon develop and deploy an integrated set of application prototypes, analyze, investigate, and architect a reusable Data model and Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD), and ensure compliancy with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and conformance with the agency's data standard National Information Exchange Model (NIEM). As part of this project, paragon was tasked to leverage Federal, State, Local, and Tribal user community support to prepare and demonstrate a pilot/prototype system in Seattle, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles. To achieve this tasking through collaborative partnership we drew on the Strength of the stakeholders and technical partners engaging Practitioners and Working Groups, applied Proven Methodologies including Parallel SDLC, NIMS, NIEM, EDXL, and other Standards in support of results driven Information Exchange to meet specific needs within the context of the Incident MGT.
System Design Documents/Tech Data
Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. Paragon Team designed, prototyped, fabricated, and installed replacement Peripheral Emulation Systems (PES). Replaced systems include AN/UYH-3, RD-358, AN/USQ-69, TT-624, OJ-172 (DEAC), and AN/UYK-7 systems. As part of this and other efforts we provided complete technical documentation and both hardcopy and electronic technical manual development, to support engineering, prototyping and fielding of hardware systems. Over the last three years we have developed over 2,000 hardcopy technical manuals and over 3,500 electronic technical manuals.
In Zone 1 the Paragon Team provides submarine communication system program software testing and delivery of related documentation and training. Our software teams provide support for various military programs, for example the IUADP, which functions as a consolidated stores management system. In other Zones the Paragon Team supported PEO C4I & Space by providing Systems Engineering, Acquisition Management, including hardware and software product improvement for the Littoral Battle space Sensing, Fusion and Integration initiative. In Zone 2 for our civilian government clients at the National Institutes of Health we provide complete software development and sustainment support for all of their Bioinformatics systems, full application design and Enterprise architecture support to DHS, US Visit system.
Paragon Team under N66001-02-D-5013-0826, participates in technical reviews, performs system evaluations, and provides design analysis support recommendations for reliability and maintainability. Starting in the early 1990's Paragon Team mate DRC, in support of the Navy's SP23 program designed, developed, implemented, sustained, modernized, and operated a large system that tracks configuration, logistics, failure, and performance data for the MK-5 and MK-6 inertial guidance systems. The system integrates data across multiple disciplines such as Logistics, Configuration, Failure, and Test and provides secure, world-wide access to the data. DRC completed a major life extension global architecture project that moved the guidance factory data system from a VMS/RDB/Client Server to a Windows/Oracle/JAVA environment.
The system, now incorporated into the Trident Guidance Information Network (TGIN) was modernized, deployed, and operated by DRC until last year. DRC supported TGIN connectivity servicing 25 government branches and facilities, design agencies, and industrial support contractors. We developed, maintained, and hosted 10 Web sites providing applications critical to the SP23 enterprise. These web-enabled TGIN modules permit Navy personnel to "find any part, anywhere" in the system; accurately describe current performance and forecast future inventory; and proactively identify repair problems before they happen. They continue to be heavily involved in designing the new MK6LE (Life Extension) guidance system for the Navy Trident Missile.
HF Engineering Support
The Paragon Team teammate DRC provides Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support to Littoral Combat Ship/Future Surface Combatant Program Aviation Training Resource Requirements Analysis Process. As part of the NAVAIR Air-Ship LCS/DD(X) Human System Integration Team assisted in implementing LCS/DD(X)'s Aviation Maintenance TRRA Process. This enabled the LCS/DD(X) program to be the first to use Human Capital Object-SO data in the HSI process for determining skills-based Manpower, Personnel and Training (MPT) requirements. Paragon Team supports the EP-3E Recapitalization Program Task and Workload Analysis providing Human Factors Engineering (HFE) expertise for the EP-3E Recapitalization Program. In Zone 5 Paragon Team mate SAIC, in support of the Marine Corps Ammunition Logistics Branch's Mine Clearing System ISEA assignments, visited every active and reserve unit to investigate, inspect, repair, or replace deployed equipment.
System Safety
The Paragon Team at NSWC Indian Head supports software development and ordnance safety analysis directly for Indian Head as well as on our SPAWAR Charleston. Paragon Team provides support to NSWC PC in the following areas: Program, Business, Financial, and Documentation Support Functions; System Safety, Hardware Engineering and Technical Support; Systems Engineering; Littoral Combat Systems (LCS) C2 Software Development Support; MIW MP and Battle Space Management Tool (BSMT) Software Engineering; Mission Package Development Lab (MPDL) Support; Joint Unmanned System Common Control and Sea Talon ACTD. In Zone 1 the Paragon Team provides technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research.
CM Support
In Zone 1: Paragon Team a. Under N00178-04-D-4119-NS07 supported PEO C4I & Space by providing Configuration Management, Systems Engineering, and Acquisition Management. Paragon Team supported system engineering efforts to develop and maintain current and future training systems for surfaces systems at the Aegis Training and Readiness Center in Dahlgren VA. Paragon provides configuration management and support to the world's largest biometric database at the Department of Homeland Security. The US Visit system links biometric data from all Department level into a single database. In Zone 5 Paragon is providing CM support to USTRANSCOM TCJ-6 portfolio as part of the Distribution System PMO support services contract.
QA Support
In Zone 1: Paragon and the Paragon Team have extensive QA support experience. We have developed our own QA processes called Spire©. Paragon Team provides technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetic and technologies for advanced submarine communications. Paragon Team in support of the Marine Corps Ammunition Logistics Branch's Mine Clearing System ISEA assignments, visited every active and reserve unit to perform quality assessments. Paragon Team provides CENTRIXS-M engineering status reports; Quality Assurance and Testing Support; Information Systems Support. We supported the creation of the National Undersea Vehicle Test and Evaluation Center (NUTEC) at NUWC Keyport. We evaluated the supportability adequacy of submitted engineering data for provisioning/supply source data, technical documentation, and all associated technical/logistics documentation to ensure proper installation and life-cycle maintenance/support. For our civilian agencies support Paragon provides ISO 9000 QA support to the Medicare/Medicaid program.
The Paragon Team provides software IS/IA/IT development and system design, installation and integration support for the U.S. Naval Oceanographic office and SPAWAR C4I systems. Paragon's teammate Woodbourne Solutions, provides Rational Unified Process (RUP) and agile project methodologies for application development projects for the Department of Health and Human Services and Architect of the Capitol. Paragon Team supports the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in building a comprehensive suite of browser based applications to conduct funding decision making electronically with the real-time data, what-if scenarios and the recent addition of flexible universe for Business Objects reporting across these related applications. The Paragon Team provides information systems development, information assurance, and information technology support, including providing security management and computer system assessment design, data collection, and technical documentation to ensure compliance. We provide technical assistance to assess and monitor programs such as Enhanced C4ISR Homeland Security Operations (ECHO), Joint Battle Management Integration (JBMI), Distributed Collaborative Tools Suite (DCTS), Joint Enroute Mission Planning Rehearsal System – Near Team (JEMPRS-NT), Multinational Limited Objective Experimentation (MLOE), Network Security Management Correction and Display (NSM C&D) and exercises such as Joint User Interoperability Communication Exercise (JUICE), UV01 (Unified Vision). In Zone 2: Paragon's teammate, Woodbourne Solutions is designing, implementing and maintaining web programs for the Federal government. Their proven experience with both the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and agile project methodologies for application development projects for the Department of Health and Human Services and Architect of the Capitol ensures success on both large-scale projects as well as smaller projects cycle suitable for a more flexible technical approach. Woodbourne offers staff with proven experience designing complex extraction schemes to mine data from enterprise systems and integrating them with custom workflow engines and robust reporting components. In Multiple Zones Paragon provides Capital Investment (CPIC) support to DOD CIO's as well as other Government Agencies. In Zone 5 we are currently providing full enterprise IT life cycle support to the USTRANSCOM TCJ-6.
Inactivation/Disposal Sup.
Paragon provides asset management and support analysis to the National Archives and Records Administration. Our support includes reviewing their processes and procedures for deactivation and disposal of capital equipment and associated documentation.
Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. We provide senior government design oversight for the development, engineering, and integration of a new emergent warfare area (Force Protection) into the DD(X) ORD, standup of a design agent engineering team, and research of applicable technologies. Paragon Team completed a redesign, prototype, and test of a state-of-the art controller for the GAU-2B/A 7.62 mm minigun. We developed ISNS System Operation and Verification Tests (SOVT). The SOVT verifies satisfactory operation, availability and readiness after integration, upgrade or installation of ISNS systems. In Zone 2, 5 &7 Paragon is supporting Homeland defense initiatives through the DHS providing the Science & Technology Division under the Regional Technologies Initiative (RTI) Preparedness & Response help with several projects including the interconnectivity Emergency Operations Centers (iEOC). DHS S&T requested that Paragon develop an deploy and integrated set of application prototypes, analyze, investigate, and architect a reusable Data model and Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD), and ensure compliancy with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and conformance with the agency's data standard National Information Exchange Model (NIEM). As part of this project, paragon was tasked to leverage Federal, State, Local, and Tribal user community support to prepare and demonstrate a pilot/prototype system in Seattle, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles.
Measure Facilities/Ranges
The Paragon Team supports NSWC Crane's major test facilities including the Lake Glendora Test Facility, the Environmental Test Facility, and indoor/outdoor firing ranges to support ordnance and weapon systems evaluations and environmental/operational testing. Support on the contract included thirteen TISS installations on non CORT FFG-7 ships. Paragon Team recommended the capability to connect Keyport with the growing number of operational exercises and operational commands. This Collaborative Test and Evaluation Center (CTEC) enables Keyport to test and train in interoperable environment, and makes the current massive investment plan in test range infrastructure accessible on a real time basis to both development and operational commands. (0010)
Logistics Support
Paragon Team provides engineering, scientific, technical and logistic and installation support services, for the U.S. Navy Shipboard Environmental Systems Engineering Program at NSWCCD Philadelphia. These services include engineering development; test and evaluation; design and fabrication of test articles and prototypes; system surveys and assessments; on-site technical support; environmental equipment support; management of auxiliary parts; software development; technology insertion; performance specifications; performance and data analysis; system integration; installation support; Fleet support; Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) document preparation and training support pertinent to U.S. Navy environmental compliance and pollution prevention afloat. Paragon in Zone 5 is providing Global logistics (including supply, distribution, and transportation) and functional process improvement expertise and support to the USTRANSCOM Distribution Process Owner (DPO) Program Management and Strategy Division (TCJ5/4-S) for the management and execution of DPO programs and transformational initiatives related to the Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise (JDDE). This contract includes review, analysis, and development of practical solutions for distribution processes and practices in support of DPO transformation and improvement objectives. In Zone 5 Paragon Teammate SAIC supports NSWC Crane's major test facilities including the Lake Glendora Test Facility, the Environmental Test Facility, and indoor/outdoor firing ranges to support ordnance and weapon systems evaluations and environmental/operational testing. Support on the contract included thirteen TISS installations on non CORT FFG-7 ships.
Supply & Provisioning
Paragon Team provides technical and engineering services in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. Paragon's team mate SAIC, under N00178-04-D-4119 provides support to Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWC PC) in the following areas: Program, Business, Financial, and Documentation Support Functions; Hardware Engineering and Technical Support; Systems Engineering; Littoral Combat Systems (LCS) C2 Software Development Support; MIW MP and Battle Space Management Tool (BSMT) Software Engineering; System/Subsystem Software Requirements Support and Review; Mission Package Development Lab (MPDL) Support; Joint Unmanned System Common Control and Sea Talon Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD); and Experimentation and Testing. In Zone 5 at Crane, SAIC provides support on a contract to include completion of 58 IPDS installations on various classes of ships including FFG, DDG, CG, DD, CVN, LPD, AOE, and LHA class ships.
Paragon Team provided technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. Under contract with Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) in Dahlgren, Paragon Team supports system engineering efforts to develop and maintain current and future training systems for surface systems. In addition Paragon Team at Dam Neck and Fleet Forces Command N7 is tasked to determine Battle Group C4I/Combat Systems modeling and simulation (M&S) architecture for fleet training. We participated in the Virtual At-Sea Training (VAST) evaluation and the Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic Scoring System (IMPASS) evaluation. We support Sea Launched Attack Missile Exercise (SLAMEX) training for the East Coast. This effort entails conducting 48 exercises annually, providing cruise missile and C4I training to Navy ships and staffs. Paragon Team provides Automated Digital Network System (ADNS) training support. We perform, document, and track all elements in accordance with a POA&M and Training Resource Tracking Tool (TRTT). In the Orlando Business Journal, Paragon Team mate DRC was named a Top 10 Modeling, Simulation, and Training (MST) company. They are a founding member and current board member of the National Center for Simulation. DRC develops models and simulations of the real world varying from circuits on silicon chips to human beings interacting with equipment. These simulations are used for analyzing life cycle costs; conducting trade-off studies; predicting and evaluating system performance; making supply chain decisions and setting supply chain priorities; forecasting manpower, personnel, and training requirements and costs; characterizing electronic devices; and modeling component performance based on design. Our training division of more than 150 people develop and deliver training ranging from training front end analysis, "train the trainer," classroom, performance support solutions, and Distance Learning for a wide range of government clients including the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and the Navy.
DRC has been supporting the development and delivery of award-winning Distance Learning and Knowledge Management products for the DAU since July 2002. DRC-developed and supported DAU Distance Learning and Knowledge Management tools and DRC supported DAU training programs have been recipients of more than 20 nationally recognized awards for excellence, including Corporate University Best in Class (CUBIC) Awards in Best Overall Corporate University, Best Virtual Corporate University/Best Use of Technology, and Best Mature Corporate University.
In-Service Engineering
Paragon Team conducts in-service engineering and technical reviews; and provides technical solutions to ISNS system problems, failure analysis, coordinate fault isolation/troubleshooting events, generate reports and maintain records; analyze and revise specifications, Engineering Change Requests, Shipmain Change Documentation; provides a monthly status report to include hours spent per ticket, specification change, person providing support and ticket number; conduct ISNS Increment 1 End of Life Modification system assessments; prepares a technical report and network diagram for each assessment. Paragon Team support of the contract included completion of 58 IPDS installations on various classes of ships including FFG, DDG, CG, DD, CVN, LPD, AOE, and LHA class ships.
Program Support
Paragon Team provides Management Support and Technical Support for services to assist in the implementation and metrics tracking system for the Consolidated Production Facility's (CPF) International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2000 quality program in support of the following Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center San Diego (SSC-SD) Code 260 programs: Automated Digital Network System (ADNS), Sensitive Compartmented Information Network (SCI Networks), Tactical Switching System (TSS), Integrated Shipboard Networking System (ISNS), Officer In Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem (OTCIXS), Tactical Data Information Exchange Subsystem (TADIXS), Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Subsystem (SSIXS), Global Command and Control System - Maritime (GCCS-M), and Submarine Local Area Network (SubLAN). We developed a corrective action plan based on inputs received during the audit. Paragon provides Program management support to the USTRANSCOM J4/5. We provide business, financial management and technical disciplines in support of acquisition programs in the J 4/5 areas. Paragon supports the USTRANSCOM J6 organization providing acquisition management, enterprise program support EVM support cost accounting and capital planning and investment support services.
Administrative Support
Paragon Team provides technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research. Paragon provides organization assessments to the US Treasury. We have conducted OPM3 program assessments and are projected to begin Human Capital Strategy for DFAS in November.
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Paragon Team provides technical and engineering services through research, design, analysis, testing, maintenance and upgrades in support of advanced submarine electro-magnetics and technologies for advanced submarine communications, C4I and special electro-magnetic sensors, imaging and electro-optic systems, composites, program metrics and information, prototype equipment and oceanographic research.
Team Members
Quality Assurance
Paragon is committed to ensuring that all products and services delivered to our customers meet the highest quality standards. Our Quality Management Plan (QMP) outlines an assurance and reporting process, providing visibility to the quality metrics and associated performance information outlined in the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP), and regular performance monitoring, reporting, and action on our performance commitments. Our approach supports the early identification and mitigation of project risks. By monitoring specific project activities and tracking appropriate performance metrics, our quality control function will detect trends and identify cause-and-effect relationships. Figure 1 below illustrates our three-step Quality Control and Quality Reporting Process and Workflow methodology. Paragon is prepared to submit to surveillance by the Government COR to ensure performance quality and compliance with the PWS. Additionally, Paragon will implement its own quality processes to ensure that non-conformance is controlled / eliminated.
Our Quality Assurance (QA) approach includes auditing of processes for completeness, compatibility, usability and compliance. The high-level elements of our Quality Control plan are Enterprise Quality Management Analysis, and Performance Assessment Tools, which include Reviews and Audits that monitor compliance and provide early detection of defects; Root-cause analysis; and Continuous process improvement. Specific activities that occur include:
- Providing access by the Government for reviews to all work areas, records, and data used in the performance of the contracted services within one workday.
- Identifying non-conformances and dealing with them appropriately, as outlined in detail in our basic contract.
- Technical Reviews and Audits, and the identification of standards relevant to the effort.
- Plan to include identification of resources and timelines in scheduling to conduct Peer Reviews.
- Reviewing and tailoring organizational standards adopted for the contract.
- Regularly evaluating overall project performance against contract requirements.
- Monitoring project results, including rework, to identify opportunities to prevent or avoid future mistakes and tie in activities with a continuous process improvement process.
- Tracking and monitoring early risk indicators.

Figure 1: Paragon's Three-step Quality Control Process Workflow
Our internal Surveillance Techniques include both routine and event-driven activities that monitor and control critical processes in order to provide predictable results, see Table 8: Paragon's Surveillance Techniques. Team Paragon uses quality remediation methodology that does not simply treat the consequential result of the problem, but monitors and analyzes processes to identify the root cause of QA issues and introduces countermeasure implementation at the source of a problem. Determining true root cause of an issue ensures proper corrective and allows us to apply countermeasures and resolve the issue.
Paragon's Surveillance Techniques
Surveillance Technique | Description |
Peer Reviews | Every major client deliverable undergoes peer review with a subject matter expert (SME), as well as the engagement manager and any other personnel deemed necessary to ensure the quality of the product. Products are evaluated for adherence to quality standards, and to identify improvements. |
Documentation Reviews | Team Paragon performers documentation reviews during projects to ensure that all documentation is current, accurate and complete. |
Stage-Gate Reviews | We schedule stage-gate reviews at critical junctures. At these reviews, progress is assessed and a formal decision to proceed to the next phase/stage is taken. |
Process Reviews | As a part of our commitment to CMMI, all processes are regularly audited and reviewed on annual basis — This review serves two purposes: 1) To ensure that the processes are implemented consistently on every project; and 2) To evaluate opportunities for process improvement. |
Formal Quality Reviews | Team Paragon will use formal quality reviews to confirm adherence to applicable performance standards and procedures. |